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How to make your small business blog really shine

Is your blog getting you down? Do you wonder whether it’s worth all the effort, whether people are really getting something from it, whether you’re “doing it right”? Maybe you think you’re not a writer, or you simply feel like you don’t have the time to write with all the other demands of your small business.

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EMyth Team

6 tips to better email marketing

In 2010, it’s estimated that people sent more than 1 trillion emails. That’s a staggering number. And of course, you have to ask yourself: with the plethora of emails being sent every minute of every day, how can you rise above the inbox clutter to reach your prospects?

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EMyth Team

Financing your business

Did you know that your chances of obtaining business financing can increase by more than 250% if you have good business credit? The problem for many business owners is that they think that just because they're in business, they're automatically building the good business history required to get credit. Not necessa...

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EMyth Team

Tax tips from a small business tax expert

In this podcast episode, Robby Reynolds, a tax and business consultant and President of The Business Consulting Group in Shelby, North Carolina, joins Wendy Vinson to talk about how small businesses can legally reduce tax liability by taking advantage of certain tax rules.

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EMyth Team

Finding funding for your business

This week's podcast is about a topic that is top-of-mind for a lot of business owners right now: funding. What kind of business funding is available to small business, how you go about getting it, and what's different about securing funding now during these challenging economic times.

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EMyth Team

Want to know what motivates your staff? Just ask them.

It's probably easier to see now, but you didn't start your business just to make money. You did it to feel something - independence, a kind of freedom and control over your life, to be able to do it your way. And you "re-earn" that freedom with every headache and heartache that comes with being a business owner. B...

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EMyth Team

Marketing is not a department

We spent $500 billion globally on advertising in 2013. Every year we're spending more money, to interrupt more people, more often, with messages they don't care about and don't pay attention to. We've come to believe that the way to succeed is to have an advantage—by being different or better, more visible, or jus...

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EMyth Team

"Coach" is no small word

With the launch of Evoke 2014, we're shifting gears today to honor business coaches - those in our network and others from around the world. As an EMyth follower, you understand the value of coaching and mentoring, but sometimes it can be hard to describe what these incredible people really do, who they 'are' in t...

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EMyth Team