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essential business systems, best business systems, good work systems, how to create systems for business, implementing systems for business, systems and processes

Business Systems

2 min read

Our top four free tools to assess and build business systems that work

“How do I build a business that doesn’t depend so much on me?” That’s one of the most common questions we hear from business owners. And the simplest answer is: You need to create systems to replace you in the business. But this isn’t so simple to do. How do you assess your current business systems? Or identify wh...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

systemic and systematic issues in business

Business Systems

5 min read

The difference between systemic and systematic thinking in business

When was the last time you thought about why your business does what it does? Every business exists for a singular purpose: to produce a certain result—a service or a product. But have you ever asked yourself, "Why do we do it this way?" This question is the essence of strategic thinking. And strategic thinking is...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

work on the business not in the business, work on business not in it, working on your business vs working in your business

Work ON it, not just IN it

The phrase “Work On It, Not Just In It” has been part of business vernacular for more than 35 years, ever since Michael Gerber coined it in The EMyth Revisited. Its message speaks to so many entrepreneurs who can’t see any other way to do business than to build a business around their own ability to get things don...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm

what does a business coach do, what is a business coach, why business coaching is important

Business Coaching

5 min read

What is business coaching?

Business coaching has become a common and important practice for CEOs and business owners who want to advance themselves and their companies. Still, many business leaders don’t truly understand what coaching actually is. In short, business coaching is a collaborative relationship between a business owner or CEO an...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

business organization tools

5 free tools to organize your business

For most of us, the start of a new year stirs up a sense of momentum. In life and in work, we find ourselves imagining everything we’d like to do differently in the many months ahead, and setting a plan in motion. This year’s no different. Though, with all the disruption of 2020, the need to reset and move forward...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

popular entrepreneur blogs 2021

The seven favorite blogs of 2021

How do you make the shift to working on your business instead of in it? How can you better negotiate, and meet your customers where they’re at? And what exactly is business coaching? These are some of the topics that small business owners like you wanted to read about most this year. So, in case you missed them (o...

Kirstin Fulton - EMyth

Kirstin Fulton

overcoming assumptions as a business owner

EMyth Approach

6 min read

An owner’s perspective on the assumptions that keep us stuck

As 2021 winds down, I’m sure you’re reflecting on how your business has done this year and what you want to achieve in 2022. I’m reflecting quite a bit. I’ve spent the last 2+ months working with EMyth’s leadership team on our annual ritual to build our strategic plan for next year. The process always reminds me h...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm

The 6 do’s and don’ts of hiring

Have you ever brought on a new employee only to later find they’re a bad fit? They didn’t match the company culture, or they dragged down the productivity of everyone around them. When this happens, it’s usually a result of moving too quickly or hiring for the wrong reasons—and whatever time and resources you migh...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

entrepreneurial thinking

6 blogs to fuel your entrepreneurial mindset

For over 40 years, business owners everywhere have been using The EMyth Approach to create a business that works. So, what’s at the heart of it? What’s the essence of our approach that supports everything else? Simply put, it’s having an entrepreneurial mindset: seeing your business—rather than the commodity that ...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

adapt to market changes, adaptability in business

3 keys to making real change in your business and life

Even when your business is flourishing, the hustle to keep it going can still manage to hold you back. Rather looking ahead at what's next, you become caught up in the here and now: Maybe you have a hazy vision for growth, but can't seem to step away. Or, maybe you're only able to think about how to keep afloat in...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

repeat business, repeat customers, how to earn repeat business

Lead Conversion

5 min read

How to generate repeat business

When you started your business, you likely had a vivid and promising picture of how gratifying it would be to satisfy your customers, to serve them in a way that not only met expectations, but exceeded them. In that way, they’d hopefully become “regulars”, returning again and again, and encouraging others to do th...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

manage yourself better as an entrepreneur

To manage your business, manage yourself first

Finish this sentence: “I don’t have time to…” What comes to mind for you? We hear this phrase every day from our clients—things like: I don’t have time to work on my business, focus on leading my team, see my kids, take a vacation. Every business owner struggles with time management. It’s hard not to when you’ve i...

Remy Gervais - EMyth

Remy Gervais