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5 must-read business books

In the March 2009 issue of Entrepreneur magazine, Mark Henricks' article 5 Must-Read Business Books lists books that "have stood the test of time and deliver advice no startup should be without."

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Doing what's right

The manner in which you serve your customers is the foremost way to either support, or negate, your business growth.

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EMyth Team


2 min read

Plan for disasters before they strike

The recent spate of damaging hurricanes is a stern reminder of how suddenly disasters can strike businesses and devastate communities. While your business may not be located in an area prone to hurricanes, you could still be vulnerable to other kinds of natural and man-made disasters such as fire, tornadoes, earth...

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EMyth Team

7 signs that your business is in trouble

When navigating through dangerous waters a wise captain keeps an eye on certain signs. The shape and size of certain waves, the color of the water at critical points, the presence of rocks or sandbars, things that can be difficult to spot for the untrained eye. The truly wise captain knows these signs because he o...

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EMyth Team

Growing a debt-free business

Venture capital, business loans, and lines of credit: all this and more exists for businesses that need to grow, to purchase equipment and inventory, or expand their facilities. Much of the initial growth for small businesses is funded on borrowed money. It’s the way things are done. But it comes at a cost.

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EMyth answers your questions

This week we're dipping into the Ask EMyth mailbag to have an EMyth Business Coach answer a few of your questions. Thanks to everybody who submitted questions, and keep them coming. We love to hear from you.

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EMyth Team

Change is inevitable. How are you preparing for it?

As the old saying goes, "The only constant is change." Nothing drives this point home more clearly than the devastation in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. The hurricanes' devastation affected thousands of businesses whose buildings were destroyed by the wind or ruined by the flood waters, or w...

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EMyth Team

The self-employment myth

Are you building a business, or are you simply self-employed? Do you understand and recognize the differences? And are you intentional about which path you're on? If you presently have a job but want to strike out on your own, do you want to be self-employed or realize the benefits of true business ownership? Aski...

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EMyth Team

To sell or not to sell

After the decision to start a business of your own, perhaps the most challenging decision you can make is whether to sell that business. You conceived it, built it, poured your lifeblood into it, and now find yourself with a viable, profitable enterprise you can call your own. You have built an asset! Now… what to...

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EMyth Team

Tips to generate short term revenue

Most business owners would agree that maintaining or increasing sales is a vital need for their business. It's a common misconception, but many businesses tend to think of increasing sales only when things get slow. There are, however, many other reasons to increase revenue aside from simply compensating for a slu...

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