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business coaching success stories

5 inspiring stories of entrepreneurial success

When facing the unique challenges in your business, where do you even begin? In our many years of coaching business owners, we’ve learned that whatever the challenge, one thing is always true: the solution starts with you. If your business isn’t working or serving your life the way you want it to, how can you chan...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Delegation versus abdication

When you started your business, you probably did every task needed to produce and deliver your product or service, or near to it. And as your business has grown, do you still carry much of the day to day—if not the actual execution, the oversight of the work? Do you find yourself unable to let go of work you shoul...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

How to spend your time where it counts

How to spend your time where it counts “Not enough time” is a chronic condition for most business owners. And here’s the rub: The times when you acutely feel the need to work on your business so it can grow without taking more from you than you have to give are also the very times when you feel most pulled to work...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Looking for a business coach? Ask these 5 questions first.

When you’re ready to get help to make your small business run more effectively, hiring a coach can be the answer. A skilled coach can help you see yourself and your business in a way you never have before, opening your eyes to new options and solutions you wouldn’t otherwise think of .But how do you choose a coach...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team