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Got systems?

Our natural world is a great example of systems at work—solar systems, ecosystems, weather systems, bodily systems, and so forth. As humans, we naturally look for patterns to solve problems and make extraordinary advancements. We search for ways to turn chaos into order and to discover efficient and repeatable way...

Tricia Huebner - EMyth

Tricia Huebner

Who is your best customer?

As a business owner, attracting customers is so central and occupies so much of your focus that it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that not all customers are created equal. Not knowing who your best customer is results in countless and costly efforts to attract a customer who isn’t actually your ideal. You suffer...

Lynn Goza - EMyth

Lynn Goza

When Kim found her vision

When I started as a business coach, my life did not look like it does today. I lived in the city, in a house that was in the middle of a subdivision. I worked for someone else and had never considered myself an entrepreneur. My default vision at the time was that I would continue to build a career for myself insid...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

How to create a vision you'll really use

As a business owner, you’re the leader. You need to decide what your business will do, how it must do it, and where it will go next. But what happens when you lose sight of your goal? Creating a vision for your business reminds you of the destination.When you try to move forward without it, you’re left jumping bli...

Matt Carle - EMyth

Matt Carle

Your business is a vehicle: Where is it taking you?

At EMyth, we take the approach that owning a business is a vehicle to give you more life. It’s a place to grow and to discover who you are and the way you want to express yourself in the world. It’s a place for creativity and innovation that can bring you closer to your own strengths, your own purpose, your own he...

Judith Lerner - EMyth

Judith Lerner

How Harry took back his life

A life consumed exclusively by your business is not a life worth living. Let me tell you about Harry. Harry was a deeply spiritual man. He wanted to have the time to be involved with his church’s philanthropic efforts, and he yearned to give what he could to create a better world and set an example for his young d...

Lynn Goza - EMyth

Lynn Goza

Practice, practice, practice

When was the last time you took a vacation? Did you unplug from your business? No cell phone, no email, no emergencies interrupting your time away? Most business owners find that kind of break nearly impossible to take because the business isn’t setup to work without them. If you’re like most of these folks, unplu...

Matt Carle - EMyth

Matt Carle

How to work ON it while working IN it

Have you ever found yourself emptying the trash at the end of the day? What about printing shipping labels, cleaning dishes, packing boxes, entering receipts or customer data, or loading trucks? (Or maybe all of these things?) And all this is on top of the work you do selling, responding to customers, completing t...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

How’s business? It depends on which hat You’re wearing

One of the things we really care about at EMyth is helping business owners Work On it, not just In it. By “it”, we mean the business. Most owners spend most of their time and energy In the business—involved in the day-to-day “doing it”—when the most powerful thing they can do as leaders is work On it—things like c...

Judith Lerner - EMyth

Judith Lerner

5 questions to ask yourself before delegating

Do you ever ask an employee for something you requested several days earlier and get a puzzled look? Or get the response: “I didn’t know you wanted it today.” Or even more baffling, the employee tells you: “I don’t know how to do that.” These are the kinds of answers that cause many owners to hesitate when delegat...

Steve Edkins - EMyth

Steve Edkins