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Business Systems

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Business Systems

1 min read

You and the system are the solution

Systems are the solution, right? We’ve all heard this before, and even EMyth has promulgated this partial truth. But somewhere in all of us is a sense that something deeper must be present to make systemization come alive and create a business – not a bureaucracy. If you believe systems are going to save you, thin...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

How to develop your service business

Most of us don’t go through a single week without buying some type of service product. The increased prevalence of service industries over the last two decades has made this the fastest expanding sector of the economy. The service sector, as defined here, includes the major industry groupings of trade, finance, in...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Your operations manual

At the heart of a systems-driven business is your company’s operations manual. The operations manual is the authoritative guidebook of how things are done in your business. It gives you an effective way of communicating policy and procedures, and gives your employees the independence and security they need to oper...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Business Systems

3 min read

The tool for managing results

When was the last time you or anyone in your business was able to say, “I’ve got it under control,” and mean it? With so many projects that need attention and so many details to keep track of, no wonder it’s so difficult to stay on top of things!

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Business Systems

4 min read

The system solution

A truly "EMyth'd business" is a systems-dependent business. This will come as no surprise to those of you who are familiar with EMyth. In many circles EMyth is synonymous with systems. But sometimes the idea people have in their heads about systems and how they work in a business are different than what we actuall...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

What's the system for systems development?

Allocating time for developing systems is a difficult task for busy business owners. If you’re familiar with our blog, or any of the EMyth books, you understand the value of developing systems. But adding more work to your already extremely busy schedule can leave you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Even with ...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

The self-employment myth

Are you building a business, or are you simply self-employed? Do you understand and recognize the differences? And are you intentional about which path you're on? If you presently have a job but want to strike out on your own, do you want to be self-employed or realize the benefits of true business ownership? Aski...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team