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Managing Employees

Smart Business Coach

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How we're planning for our 40th Anniversary

This is the season for planning for the new year and we’ve been talking a lot about it. If you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late to create your Annual Plan. We have a six step process to get you there. If you really want your business to look, act, feel and perform differently a year from now (Is there anyone...

Ilene Frahm - EMyth

Ilene Frahm

Have you said no today?

John Lennon gave us, “Yes is the answer,” and I get what he means. He was talking about saying yes to love, embracing life, and seeing opportunities instead of limits—all important and valuable in building the kind of world we want to live in. But what about saying “No?” Is there a place for that, especially in yo...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

What I discovered on my quest for work-life balance

I’m in the upstairs bathroom writing notes on my iPhone when it strikes me—the apparent irony of me sketching out notes for a blog post about work-life balance while in the middle of giving my daughters a bath. I left work hours ago but had hardly left my work behind me. And in that moment I felt so close to the m...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Struggling to engage your employees? Start here

You call your team together to roll out your strategy for the coming quarter. Everyone gathers around and all eyes are on you. You’ve spent at least forty hours over the last two weeks planning, modeling, forecasting, all in anticipation of this day. OK, take a deep breath, and begin your presentation. Five minute...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Are you a reluctant manager?

When was the last time you had an "aha moment" in your business? You know that moment I'm talking about. The one that comes along and knocks your socks off. It is that moment when inspiration strikes. When the puzzle pieces suddenly come together. When you realize an underlying truth that will change how you do bu...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Managing Employees

3 min read

The people problem

Have you ever found yourself cursing your employees? "Why can't they do it my way?! I tell them to do X, and they do Y. I tell them to do 50, and they only do 10."

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Creating your training systems for employees

Training employees is one of the most important aspects of "building a business that works" (a phrase we use at EMyth to emphasize that a business that truly works is a systems-based, turn-key operation that works without you). Too often business leaders do not appreciate the value of employee training and neglect...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Managing Employees

2 min read

Management with a partner

I've read The EMyth Revisited and I've heard Michael E. Gerber speak, but I have a business partner who has not and will not. I believe in my entrepreneurial vision for our company, but my partner is not convinced. He prefers doing technical work (which other employees should do) and he swears by the adage "If you...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

Your operations manual

At the heart of a systems-driven business is your company’s operations manual. The operations manual is the authoritative guidebook of how things are done in your business. It gives you an effective way of communicating policy and procedures, and gives your employees the independence and security they need to oper...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team

How can you keep it real with a virtual team?

There’s no substitute for being in the same place as your employees. And that’s a good thing. Part of the joy of going to work is that you get to spend your day with people you respect, and we hope, enjoy being around. And while there are some good reasons to have people on your team who work remotely, you have to...

EMyth Team - EMyth

EMyth Team