The EMyth Roadmap

Your map to a business that works.

Sometimes the hardest part about making a change in your business is knowing where to start. We make it simple with a straightforward, time-tested path to success. Each step in the process builds on the one that came before it so that by the time you finish the Program, you’ll have a fully systematized business that runs just the way you want it to.





Stage One

Getting Your House In Order

Every business needs a solid foundation to grow from. Develop the systems your business needs to build yours.

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Looking at things systemically changed our whole view on everything.

don_weaver_head_smallDon Weaver, SameDay Heating and Air
EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Leadership

Work on your business, not just in it

Your business is a reflection of you—both your strengths and your weaknesses—so we start the EMyth Program by helping you grow as its leader.

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Marketing

Build a solid marketing strategy

Discover who your ideal customer is—the person best served by your product or service—and build a strategy that will allow you to reach them.

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Finance

Manage your business by the numbers

Create the financial systems that will give you control over your money and the power to use it to achieve your vision.

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Management

Create a high-performance team

Learn to attract and develop great people who are committed to your vision and values, produce exceptional results, and continuously improve your systems.

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Customer fulfillment
Customer fulfillment

Craft your ideal customer experience

Design your customer experience and the systems necessary to deliver it consistently and predictably, no matter who’s delivering it.

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Lead conversion
Lead conversion

Design a Sales Process that works

Take everything you’ve learned about who your customer is and why they buy, and create a sales process that makes it easy for them to say “Yes.”

EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Lead generation
Lead generation

Create dependable leads

Develop a system to attract and engage with your ideal customers so they fall in love with your brand and the product or service you offer.

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Ready to get started?

Download the Roadmap Talk to a Coach

Stage Two

Growing Your Business

Once you have your house in order, you can scale. Build on the work you did in Stage One to add additional systems, enhance your existing ones, and begin to continuously improve the business to support stable and consistent growth.

Download the Program Roadmap

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Our business has grown 250 percent in the last few years.

don_weaver_head_smallDon Weaver, SameDay Heating and Air

Stage Three

Freedom to Choose

When you have The Seven Essential Systems fully in place and working together as an integrated whole operated by engaged, inspired employees, you’ll have won for yourself the freedom to choose your place in your business—or away from it.

Download the Program Roadmap

Talk to a Coach

Today, Otter’s a symphony.

Curt Richardson, OtterBoxCurt Richardson, OtterBox
EMyth The Seven Essential Systems: Leadership

Leadership in a mature business

With your business no longer dependent on you, you can decide exactly what you want to do with it, the role you'll play and the role it will play in your life.

Download the Roadmap

Want the freedom to choose your role in your business?

Download the Roadmap Talk to a Coach

EMyth brings all the pieces together you need to really run a business.

Don Kick, Impact Shirts

Request a free coaching session.

Take the first step today.

Our team is here to help you understand what you need to build the business you want—starting with a brief introductory call with an EMyth Program Advisor. It’s your opportunity to discuss what’s challenging you most in your business and see if a free session with an EMyth-Certified Coach can give you the answers you’re looking for.

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