Small Business Coaching, Resources & Tools | EMyth Blog

EMyth's 5 Most Read Leadership Blogs of 2021 | EMyth

Written by Kirstin Fulton | August 01, 2021

As a small business owner, you’ve worked hard to make your company what it is today. And if you’re like so many of our clients, you didn’t think about how to get started—you just took the leap. You created something out of your own ideas, skills and passion, and soon became the leader everyone looks to for direction. The trouble often is, starting a business doesn’t make you a leader—but with the right tools and mindset, you can become one. This round-up of our five most-read leadership blogs of the past year can help you get started on that journey. 

#5 Build a self-sustaining business

Find out what it takes to free yourself from tactical work in order to focus the strategic work needed to build a sustainable, customer-centric business, according to someone who knows: EMyth’s Co-owner Ilene Frahm. 

#4 The difference between strategic and tactical work

So how exactly do you go from working in your small business to working on it? It starts by recognizing the type of work you’re doing day to day. Only then can you begin to free yourself from the daily operations and focus on the Strategic Work needed to grow yourself and your business to grow.

#3 Design (and realize) your business vision

The vision you have for your small business shouldn’t live just in your head—have you tried writing it down? By creating your company’s Strategic Objective, you’ll form a tangible picture of the business you want, identify the key elements of your plan and get your team onboard to transform your vision into reality.

#2 5 steps for documenting systems

While it may sound redundant, the practice of systemizing your systems is the most important kind of record-keeping for your company. Without documentation, even your best systems are only rough ideas in your mind. Discover how to transform the key routines in your business into structured, step-by-step processes. 

#1 The three business personalities: Entrepreneur, Manager, Technician

At any given time, you could be wearing one of three hats in your business—and how you’re showing up can dramatically affect how your company operates. Learn about the nuances of three personalities, and how to slowly let go of that Technician role so you can embrace your inner Manager and Entrepreneur. 

One of the hardest parts of becoming a strong leader is knowing where to start. If you’d like to discuss what that looks like for you and your business, get in touch